Lovatts have been supplying the North American market for many years, hence we have created this popular crossword.
All of these crosswords contain US English spelling – the English spelling used in the USA, Japan, the Philippines, Liberia, etc. Examples include: HONOR, LEVELED or PEDIATRICIAN.
The American clue style is more elliptical, even cryptic, and does not include break-ups for phrases or hyphenated words so the clue for HOLDUP might be ‘Delay a crime’, ‘Bank job’ or ‘Sundance activity’. These American style crossword grids have more words as the words intersect on nearly every letter and the grids contain fewer ‘black squares’.
15 x 15 American style grid; American style elliptical clues; US English spelling – for American English users.
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Crossword American Standard #0557
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0558
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0559
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0560
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0561
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0562
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0563
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0564
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0565
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0566
$30.00 AUD
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Crossword American Standard #0567
$30.00 AUD