Acrostic Standard PDF SAMPLE
  • Nearly A4 size – solve clues then place the letters from the answers into the correct positions in the grid to reveal the Acrostic text.

    An Acrostic puzzle is a combination of a crossword and a code cracker. Solve a set of clues and each letter of the answers has a number underneath it. Use the number to transfer the letters to the corresponding space in a grid. Once all the letters have been filled in you can read an interesting piece of text. Acrostics can be about anything; movies, inventors, sayings, science, nature & more. Acrostic puzzles were developed in the 1930s, based on the old acrostic poems and the newly invented crossword puzzle.  British English spelling is used in the Acrostic Standard puzzles. All Acrostic puzzles have searchable Solutions, Keywords and/or Tags to help you find a suitably themed Acrostic.

  • The grid contains a quote or relates to a story.
    The numbers under each letter of the answers to the clues correspond to a number in the story grid.

    The best way to solve this puzzle is:
    1. Answer as many clues as possible.
    2. Transfer each letter from the answers to the grid via the numbers underneath your answers.
    3. Work between the grid and your answers, to find the words in both areas and reveal the mystery text.
  • Permitted use:
    Single non-exclusive use of the puzzle in a single publication. Lovatts Media retains full copyright of all material.

    Files provided:
    Puzzle provided in pdf and eps formats - Acrosticxxx_PUZSOL.eps and Acrosticxxx_PUZSOL.pdf

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